

Back Stage

A Bluesy Night by Aniqua Chatman

Welcome to the New Publication on Black Theatre!

We believe that wherever Black people are, there is Black theatre! In an effort to capture some of the magic of the many local Black theatre worlds, we are creating an on-line publication, BlackStage, which is designed to gather and disseminate a wide variety of different types of information about Black theatre where we live.

BlackStage features articles on Black performing artists and Black arts groups, as well as overviews of important issues pertaining to Black arts and entertainment.

Published quarterly, each edition will also carry comprehensive listings of local and regional Black theater and complementary events.

The articles in BlackStage are based on original interviews, event reviews, and research.

The magazine seeks to create and disseminate Black Arts cultural dialogues in order to preserve and promote the richness, vibrancy, and diversity of African Diasporic expressive culture.

Our publication will share with the readership five regular columns, which we believe are dedicated to five aspects of Black theatre production:

The Components of BlackStage

  1. Bringing It – Marketing, publicity and public relations for Black Theatre events across the region.
  2. Off Script – Interviews with actors, performers, directors, faculty, artists, or artist-in-residence, the projects they are working on and the classes they are teaching.
  3. Anatomy of a Dream – Articles about the creative powerhouses across the state and region, those individuals who started troupes, wrote plays, and/or performed on stage.
  4. Well, what do YOU think? – Professional, theatre audience member, as well as student reviews and assessments of a production.
  5. The Scholar’s Eye – A summary of arts-based research developing inquiry about theatrical arts, specifically theatre’s impact on and with communities.

We will go into more detail regarding the historical, aesthetic and community-survival justification for each of the columns as we progress through our publications.

We believe that BlackStage, a new addition to Black theatre and on-line publications, will meet a vital need and produce a world of information and enjoyment for you!