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August Wilson’s 10 Points of Black Theatre

Playwright August Wilson

August Wilson’s Statement on The Role of Black Theatre

  1. To correct distortions of Black history.
  2. To reclaim a collective Black mindset.
  3. To restore Black spirits crushed by white oppressors.
  4. To rebuild Black dignity and self esteem.
  5. To state Black issues in vernacular terms.
  6. To provide a venue and source of income for Black talent.
  7. To showcase Black tastes, values, and autonomy.
  8. To present characters and stories that uplift the Black self-image.
  9. To celebrate the endurance of a Black minority in an overwhelmingly white society.
  10. To legitimize Black ethics, pride and values in theatricals that are uniquely African American.

(excerpted from The Ground on Which I Stand, 1996)

To connect with our Africana historical and cultural roots.